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Title I

Hermon-DeKalb Central School is classified as a Title I school. Being a Title I school means receiving federal funding to supplement the school’s existing programs. The funds are used to:

  • identify students experiencing academic difficulties and providing timely assistance to help students’ meet NYS standards
  • purchase supplementary materials and supplies
  • conduct parent involvement and engagement meetings
  • recruit/hire/retain highly qualified teachers

Foster Care Point of Contact

As a requirement by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) as amended by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of December 2015 regarding students in foster care, the District is required to designate a district Foster Care Point of Contact that will work collaboratively with the representatives from the local child welfare agency, as well as other state school districts.

The Hermon-DeKalb Central School point of contact is Superintendent Megan Foster-Trimm, 709 E. DeKalb Road, DeKalb Junction, NY 13630, 315-347-3442,

Parent's Right to Know

As per the new Title I legislation, ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) previously titled NCLB (No Child Left Behind), you may request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessionals staff.

You may request the following information:

  • Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provided instruction;
  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
  • The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree; and
  • Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualification.

Parents are also able to place a complaint about their child’s school violating Title services. Learn more about the complaint procedures at the NY State Education Office of ESSA-Funded Programs website.

Title I Complaint Form

Title I Complaints or Appeals Regulation

If you would like further information about Title I, the Every Student Succeeds Act and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, feel free to contact us at 315-347-3442.

For information on NYS Learning Standards, visit the NY State Education Department’s EngageNY website or the Next Generation English Language Arts and Mathematics Learning Standards website.

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

The District will collaborate with parents and other family members to help students participating in Title I programs reach their full academic potential and to improve the District's overall academic quality. As part of its collaboration, the District will conduct outreach; plan and implement programs, activities, and procedures for parent and family member engagement; and consult meaningfully with parents and family members.

Parent and Family Engagement Policy

School-Parent Compact



  •   Encourage and welcome parents into the classroom.
  •   Communicate with parents regularly to keep them informed of their child’s progress.
  •   Prepare carefully so your child receives quality instruction each day.
  •   Encourage your child’s natural curiosity in all areas of learning.
  •   Respect your child’s opinion each day and try to listen carefully to him/her.
  •   Seek the help of others to meet your child’s needs.
  •   Notify parents of special circumstances within the school environment that are affecting your child’s learning/behavior.
  •   Encourage parents to participate in organizations such as Shared Decision Making, Parent Teacher Organizations, Title I/AIS and Special Education Planning Committees, etc.
  •   Notify parents of available professional training that will enable them to improve their child’s achievement.
  •   Provide an environment that is safe, healthy, orderly and drug free.
  •   Clearly state discipline codes and consistently enforce them.
  •   Recognize student academic and behavioral excellence.
  •   Encourage your child to participate in school sponsored extracurricular activities.


  •   Expect my child to behave and to work hard in school.
  •   Have established regular routines for bedtime, homework and other family times.
  •   Make an effort to attend activities that focus on parent involvement such as parent/teacher conferences.
  •   Get to know my child’s teacher(s) early in the year and communicate regularly.
  •   Encourage my child’s interest in learning, especially through reading.
  •   Keep school informed of unusual circumstances that may affect my child’s learning/behavior in school.
  •   Monitor my child’s attendance at school, completion of homework, and use of free time.
  •   Be supportive of the school in their efforts to uphold high standards of conduct and achievement.
  •   Encourage my child to seek help when needed.
  •   Encourage my child to participate in school sponsored extracurricular activities.
  •   Provide materials, supplies, and attire necessary to maintain a positive learning environment.


  •   Prepare and listen carefully.
  •   Follow directions and school rules.
  •   Respect others’ feelings, property and opinions.
  •   Understand he/she may seek the help of others.
  •   Be responsible for his/her actions.
  •   Do his/her best at all times.
  •   Be prepared to work to the very best of their ability.