Student athletes must be in attendance for an entire day to be eligible to participate in practice or games. (An entire day means being in homeroom before 8:11 a.m. and not leaving the building before 2:58 p.m. For remote learning, that means that the student has a passing participation grade for each class, and has been turning in exit tickets within 24 hours). The exception will be medical appointments. The athlete must bring a note from the doctor upon return. Any student who elects to participate in athletics must remember that schoolwork comes first. All students are responsible to maintain a satisfactory level of effort in all classes, be regular in attendance, and follow all school and class rules. When a student's classroom and/or school behavior is a problem, then the student may be removed from an athletic team.
Any student-athlete found to be using, or in possession of, or having used tobacco products, alcohol, or any controlled substance or involved in any act of vandalism, will be: suspended from participation on an athletic team for a period of at least four games or two (2) weeks (whichever is shorter). This includes practices. This suspension or another and equivalent disciplinary penalty may be imposed if the violation takes place before the start of or after the completion of a particular season. The coach, parents, and the administration will determine reinstatement to or eligibility for the team. Any second violation of this rule will result in a long-term suspension from participation in athletics.
Any student on IN-SCHOOL RESTRICTION (for greater than half the school day) or OUT-OF-SCHOOL SUSPENSION is ineligible to participate in athletics for the period of the suspension. Any student assigned to After-School detention will be ineligible to participate in athletics on the day the discipline is to be served.
Students are expected to ride to and from athletic contests on the team bus. The athlete may ride home with the parents and the parent must sign the sign out sheet. If an exception needs to be made, a note must be brought from a parent or guardian, stating whom the student will be riding with, and the student will be allowed to ride home with:
a parent of another team member
a responsible adult 21 years of age or older
a designated family member over 18 and who has graduated
They will be required to sign the sign out sheet. Students will not be allowed to ride with another student.
Students, coaches, and parents need to remember that sports are a privilege. Our students, coaches, and parents represent Hermon-DeKalb at sporting events. At all times our actions and attitudes should demonstrate our sense of pride in school and community and our sense of sportsmanship. If a student, parent or community member’s behavior or language is inappropriate to the point an official dismisses them from a contest, then they will face a two-week suspension from games. If a second violation occurs, that student or parent(s) will not be allowed to attend sporting events for the remainder of the season.
Each student is responsible for the care and upkeep of his or her uniform and equipment. All uniforms and equipment, assigned to you, must be returned to the Athletic Director three (3) school days after the last game. Students must hand the uniform or equipment to the AD. Athletes that do not turn in the uniform/equipment on time will serve lunch detention and will be on the grounded list every day the uniform/equipment is overdue. Also, you will not be able to start the next sport until everything is turned in. The athlete must pay for lost equipment and uniforms.
All athletes must have a yearly physical. An emergency medical slip, a permission slip and a medical history update must be turned in before the first practice.
A student may decide to withdraw from one team and may participate on another team with the permission of both coaches involved. A student who is dropped from one team may not participate on another team during that season.
Participation on an athletic team does not relieve a student of his or her responsibility to participate in physical education class.
Any student who is injured in practice or a game should report the injury to his or her coach immediately so that an accident report can be filed.
Each coach for his or her specific team may add additional rules.
Students will face a four game suspension for any type of hazing that takes place as determined by the administration, coach and athletic director.
Students will face up to a four game suspension for defacing any property in another school’s facilities including the locker room as determined by the administration, coach and athletic director.