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Use of Federal & State Relief Funds

Three parts of the Federal/State Funds (Updated 11/22/21)

  1. The CARES Act (with ESSER 1 and GEER)
  2. CRRSA (with ESSER 2)
  3. ARRP (with ESSER 3)

All three of these would be classified as grants. Written proposals of services/items must be state-approved prior to purchasing anything. The school must pay for the item or service upfront and must apply to be reimbursed for the cost.


Grant application has been approved (ESSER I) Programs (GEER) Programs under the CARES Act.

These are the first two programs that schools received near the onset of the pandemic. We are preparing the final summary report for these funds and we hope to have them completed by the end of November. These two combined were approximately $210,000. This covered everything from extra cleaning staff for the building and the buses, bus monitors to take temperatures, cafeteria workers to deliver food to the classrooms, extra bus drivers and online tutors as well as Chromebooks and Kajeets(hotspots). This also included things like masks and other PPE including cleaning supplies, barriers. Full detailed expenditure to come as this has been completed at this point.


These two grants will be utilized to provide a minimum of 20% devoted for learning loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These funds will be used during the 2021-2022 and the 2022-2023 school years.

The funds for the CRRSA ($601,707) will be used for the following:

Salary and benefits for an additional AIS teacher and teaching assistant to help students in grades 7-12 as well as those who are on remote instruction. Salaries and benefits for a teaching assistant for our STEM program. Salaries and benefits for our summer school teachers and support staff as well as for our after-school program teachers. Our Assistant Principal will also be funded some summer days to work on school programs to be prepared for the school year.

Funds will also be used for supplies and materials for our summer and after-school programs.

The funds for the ARPA ($2,052,326) will be used for the following:

  • Salaries and Benefits
    Salaries and benefits for our Assistant Principal, Teaching Assistant and teacher for a PreK classroom, and a STEM teacher, two cleaners, 2 additional food service workers to help serve food in the classroom and in the cafeteria, an additional teacher aide to help provide assistance to struggling students, stipends for a school security and attendance officer, and the salary for a weekend cleaner. Funds will also be used to pay for substitute coverage for teachers to attend professional development, payment for the professional development sessions for teachers, as well as paying summer stipends for teachers to complete professional development.
  • Purchased Services
    The district will work with outside agencies to purchase services to assist the district. Our district will work with several agencies to provide enrichment activities for students. These will include field trips and team building activities. The district will work with a company to conduct athletic field maintenance and to rent storage tents for outside, and improve our outdoor camera system for increased security. Our district will also work with an administrative coach and a special education consultant to improve instruction for all students. The district will be implementing a new math series for our struggling students as well as a software program to track students progress towards academic goals over many school years. Our final purchased service will be the rental of a color photocopier which will allow students on remote instruction to have colored copies as needed.
  • Supplies and Materials
    The health office will purchase updated machines to continue to provide up-to-date screenings and training for our students as well as room air purifiers for classrooms. Our cafeteria will purchase updated coolers and prep stations to help make serving students more efficient and provide additional options for meals to students. Our maintenance staff will purchase some updated equipment to maintain the grounds around the school (lawn mowers, snow blower, weedeaters, brush hog) and all of the cleaning supplies needed to keep our building safe. New folding chairs will also be added to provide more seating for outdoor activities. New STEM equipment will be purchased including a weather station, drone, CNC machine, bridge testing equipment, and drag racing tracks and timers.
    Our district will improve some of our technology to include a large TV for the lobby for announcements, LCD projectors for the auditorium and for improved outdoor usage, and additional desk scanners. Our Home and Careers curriculum will be updated to include a new vinyl cutter and heat press, a Cricut and embroidery machine. Our AIS department will update curriculum and assessments to better help our struggling students close the achievement gap. We will spend funds to purchase new furniture for classrooms, outdoor learning spaces and new lockers for the elementary students.
    The district will continue to provide family engagement activities with some of the funds we receive. We will look to provide new opportunities for our students through field trips and learning experiences outside of the building. Our youngest learners will also benefit from updated gross motor activities for outside as well as storage for this equipment. We will also help provide school spirit wear to students who are unable to purchase these.
  • Equipment (for items costing greater than $5,000)
    The district will purchase some larger equipment with the funds. These include new curtains for the stage in the auditorium, a portable stage and sound system for outdoor events, new flooring for the weight room along with a floor scrubber dedicated to the new gym and weight room floors. The district will work to improve the athletic facilities by purchasing a food trailer and new team shelters. The elementary school will purchase a new mathematics curriculum and new STEM activities to include a wind tunnel.


Part I--5% State Level Reserve for Learning Loss ($100,002)

Part II--1 % State Level Reserve for Comprehensive After-School Program ($100,002)

Part III--1% State Level Reserve for Summer Enrichment ($499,996)

Our hope is to put programs and resources in place that we are able to keep and be used to serve students well into the future.

CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)

CRRSA (Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations)

ESSER I, II, III (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief)

GEER (Governor’s Emergency Education Relief)

ARRP (American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan)