Vacancy On Hermon-Dekalb BOE Opens Search for Interim Member
At the Hermon-Dekalb Board of Education meeting on Monday, December 2nd, Board Member Mr. Jordan Deleel submitted his letter of resignation. Mr. Deleel has served on the Board of Education since 2020, offering thoughtful leadership and valuable insight that guided the Board’s decisions. The Hermon-Dekalb CSD extends its sincere gratitude for Mr. Deleel’s dedication and service.
“We appreciate the service Mr. Deleel provided to the Board of Education during his time on the board. His commitment to improving education and advocating for the students and families in our community has made an impact. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors and thank him for his contributions,” said Ronald Smith, Hermon-Dekalb Board of Education President.
The seat previously held by Mr. Deleel is now vacant. Following the acceptance of the resignation letter, the Board decided to begin the process of filling the position with an interim member. The district is now accepting letters of interest from eligible candidates. Applicants should include a brief overview of their professional background, the reasons for applying, and their involvement with the district. All letters must be submitted to District Clerk Donna Anson by noon on December 20th. Submissions can be dropped off at the Main Office from 8am - 3:30pm daily at the Hermon-DeKalb Central School located at 709 E De Kalb Rd, De Kalb Junction. Applicants are welcome to call the school at 315-347-3442.
The submitted letters will be reviewed by the current Board members, who will then interview candidates during the Board of Education meeting on January 6th. Following the interviews, the Board will appoint an interim member. The appointed interim member will serve as a voting member until the School Budget and BOE Election in May, during which the community will elect a new member to serve a full term.
A local Board of Education is an agency of New York State that is governed by State law and the regulations of the Commissioner of Education. The Hermon-Dekalb CSD Board is composed of nine members. The Board of Education establishes policy, has the fiscal responsibility to provide a budget, and directly hires the superintendent of schools. As your representatives, the Board exercises the community’s rights of citizen control over public education.