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Sweetheart Dance for Prek-4: Proceeds Benefit HDTA CARES Foundation

Sweetheart Dance for Prek-4: Proceeds Benefit HDTA CARES Foundation

Save the date! The Sweetheart Dance is happening on Saturday, February 8th! Students in grades Pre-K through 4 are invited to join us from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in their best attire. Students must be accompanied by an adult. The cost of entry is $5 per person, with all proceeds going to the HDTA CARES Foundation. We are looking forward to a night filled with music, dancing, and fundraising!

The HDTA CARES committee is a group of teachers that works toward meeting the needs of the Hermon-DeKalb community. Historically, the HDTA Cares committee has donated gifts to Hermon-DeKalb seniors at graduation, provided scholarships, helped pay for distance learning classes and AP exams and helped alleviate expenses for families undergoing medical treatment. It is the committee's goal to help the families in the Hermon-DeKalb community in any way possible.

Coming soon for grades prek-4 SWEETHEART DANCE February 8th time:5:30 pm - 7:30pm in school cafeteria. Music, Dance, Refreshments, Photobooth, Face Painting, Raffles Bring your special someone to an evening of dancing and fun! This is a formal event so wear your best clothing! *Students must be escorted by an adult. COST IS $5 PER PERSON PAY AT THE DOOR. All proceeds will go to the HDTA CARES foundation